Fight Male Infertility or Impotence With Zinc, Vitamins C & E, Selenium, Exercise, Flaxseed Oil, Etc.

Fighting male infertility or impotence can become a major male preoccupation, as few things lead more to depression in men than being unable to help his partner in conceiving.  To avoid male infertility, one needs to exercise regularly, or take zinc, vitamins C & E, selenium, flaxseed oil, and avoid alcohol and caffeine, as well as avoid hot baths and sauna, which reduces sperm count.  Infertility has been defined as “the inability to become pregnant after having unprotected sex for a full year.”

Factors that Contribute to Male Infertility or Impotence

Many factors may lead to male infertility.  These include sperm defects (misshapen) or dysfunction (unable to swim properly to reach the egg), primary spermatogenic failure, an unhealthy lifestyle – eating the wrong things, smoking, drug abuse and alcoholism, the lack of exercise – and depression.  An unhealthy lifestyle – particularly smoking, drug abuse and alcoholism – can also lead to impotence.

Ways to Gain Fertility or Fight Impotence for Men

Although the task of overcoming infertility is as much a woman’s business, there are ways that a man can do to become fertile.  Here are the ways:

Stock up on sperm–do not engage in sex days before your partner begins to ovulate, for the reason of inseminate her with the most number of sperm possible.  The longer the abstinence since the last ejaculation, the greater the number of sperm is.

Wear boxer shorts instead of briefs–fitting underwear traps heat, too much of which reduces the number of sperm testicles produce.  The same applies to tight denim.

Avoid hot baths or sauna–for the same reason that heat reduces sperm count.

Take zinc supplements–the recommended amount is 30 mg per day.  This mineral boosts testosterone levels and increases sperm count.  Since zinc interferes with copper absorption, take 2 mg of copper a day. 

Vitamins C and E–take 1000 mg of vitamin C and 250 mg of vitamin E (with food) a day to help protect sperm from free radicals.

Selenium–studies suggest that men who take 100 mcg of selenium a day for three months experienced an increase in sperm motility (the ability to swim towards the egg).  There seems to be no effect on sperm count.

Pycnogenol–is an extract from the bark of the pine tree that grows along the coast of southwestern France.  A potent antioxidant, it improves sperm health in men with fertility problems.  A study discovered that men with fertility problems, who took 200 mg a day for 3 months, significantly improved sperm health and function.  Pycnogenol is sold over the counter in many health food chains.

Flaxseed oil–rich in essential fatty acids, helps in sperm health.  It also lowers cholesterol and protects the heart.

Quit smoking-smoking not only increases infertility in both sexes, it decreases sperm count and brings more damage to sperm.

Avoid alcohol– alcohol impairs ejaculation.  Long-term alcohol abuse leads to impotence.

Exercise –stimulates blood flow.  More blood to the penis stimulates longer erection, which means proper reproductive function.  Exercise prevents and fights impotence.

There seems little need to get depressed if infertility seems the problem.  All it takes is a positive attitude and the determination in fighting male infertility.  After all, a baby is the jewel of any marital relationship.  So work for him/her with joy.  You or your partner might also wish to read How to Overcome or Fight Female Infertility.

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