Strange Pregnancy Signs


Pregnancy is a big turnover of life and living through it is no ordinary job. Many new moms who are experiencing this change for the first time may rely on the known information and pregnancy signs like Nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite due to some conditions and also backaches in some cases. However there are many uncommon signs of pregnancy that are never heard of. Here are five such seldom experienced pregnancy signs that mothers could experience:

Nose Bleeds and Nasal Stuffiness

Many people are of the opinion that only the uterus and surrounding areas respond to pregnancy, however this is not true. Your whole body responds to this major change and reflecting this theory is this symptom of a bleeding nose or nasal stuffiness. You should try home remedies like snorting with salt water or using a humidifier or if the symptom still persists try talking to your doctor for advice on other solutions.

Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge is normal during pregnancies. As everyone knows and expect that the menstrual periods stop when you are pregnant but increase in vaginal discharge is not expected. If this bothers you, panty liners can be used as this can continue to the end of the pregnancy period until the child is born. Though if at any point you feel that the color of the discretion is changing or you feel odor you should immediately consult a doctor.


Feeling fatigued and tired are signs of pregnancy too and women in many cases try to sleep it off, however this does not happen in all cases. Many times mothers suffer from insomnia with or without feeling tired at all. This is a symptom that is experienced during pregnancy and is considered to be normal. This is apparent by staying up most of the time or having problems going to sleep at all or after you wake up at night. This can be avoided through relaxing, exercising and decreasing intake of caffeine. These are the main remedies that can be taken other than medical relief.

Gastrointestinal Distress

Burping, belching and gas are also symptoms of pregnancy. These are common symptoms and if a woman suffers from these unwomanly effects she should avoid foods that tend to increase the effects of these symptoms. A very important thing is to let it go as if you try to hold it in it will cause you a lot of pain.


This symptom occurs due to the hormones of pregnancy which make the intestines slow and sluggish. Again home remedies include drinking lots of water, exercising and eating food that are rich in fiber. However if it does not help you should consult your doctor about it as it can be painful too.

The above strange and weird pregnancy signs doesn’t normally happen and are very rare and strange.

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