Pregnancy and Alcohol

Alcohol addiction can prove to be fatal especially if you are pregnant. Risking your baby to the negative effects of alcohol is no wise decision as many babies nowadays suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome. According to studies about 40,000 babies yearly are born with some kind of deformity which is due to alcohol in the United States. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or FAS refer to the conditions that are present when a fetus is exposed to large quantities of alcohol. It travels in some concentrations in the blood of the mother and reaches the baby through the placenta. Once exposed to this the fetus in no way can prevent itself from the outcomes of this excessive consumption disorder that the mother has developed within and this in result damages the baby’s organs and tissues. It is also sometimes very damaging for the baby’s brain and his spinal cord and since in every 1,000 babies, 2 are exposed to this threat, consuming alcohol during pregnancy is strictly discouraged by doctors.

Also it not wise to think that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome has a single effect on the baby, sometimes there are multiple defects experienced in babies suffering from this syndrome. This condition is referred as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders or FASD and it can range from a mild type to a severe one. A characteristic facial deformity is experienced by infants with this syndrome such as, an upturned nose, small eyes and also a slim upper lip disorder. Also some babies suffer growth disorders, problems in sight and hearing and in some cases heart related problems are also experienced. In some severely accelerated alcohol levels babies suffer from defects pertaining to different parts of the body such as the urinary tract and bones, cognitive development is also impaired and mental retardation and other abnormal behaviors, including delayed development, hyperactivity, anxiety complications, short attention durations and poor impulse control occurs in many babies.

There has been no measurement verified for safe alcohol consumption as different individuals have varying metabolism rates, so it is suggested to females to stay away from alcohol if they are pregnant or if they are trying to be pregnant. It should not be taken carelessly as consuming alcohol pose serious risk to the baby. Out of the few preventable causes that result in mental retardation, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is one and still remains to be the common cause.

If you have been taking alcohol because you did know you were pregnant or it is simply not possible for you to give up it is better to visit your doctor and have yourself checked to evaluate the stage of risk you are at due to alcoholism. Long term problems can be decreased by early evaluation of the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. The best option to avoid any defect caused by alcoholism is to prevent consuming it at all. In fact it is recommended to abstain from it during your child bearing age, or if you frequently involve in sex or have unprotected sex, as your child may suffer serious consequences as many pregnancies are mostly unplanned.

Bringing up and taking care of a child who suffers from FAS is a challenging job. You should talk to your medical assistance on how to take care of the child, but it is always good to prevent alcohol so that you can protect yourself and your child against the negative consequences of alcoholism. You have to choose between the pleasures of a shot now and the sufferings and pain your child will have to go through later on.

The ideal is to take note of any early pregnancy signs and confirm the pregnancy and learn what food to avoid during pregnancy.

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