Getting Pregnant


Getting pregnant and conceiving a baby is an over joyous moment for a couple and for those where it comes easily it is a blessing from god, however not all couples are lucky enough. Some couples have to constantly keep on trying to conceive and wait for years and years for good news and not all will receive it too. According to research it is found that couples have only 20% chance of getting pregnant in every cycle. Couples who are trying to conceive must exert their maximum in tracking the changes in there bodies and the timings when conceiving probability is the highest as they will have to do whatever possible on there end as storks do not really bring you a child wrapped in a bag.

The Initial requirement is to know your period very well. Being a woman you are going to play an important part in conceiving as you will have to carry the baby for the nine months to come. You should be fully prepare and properly aware of your menstrual cycles as every woman has a different one. Normally menstrual cycles range from 28 to 32 days averagely. Keeping this information in mind any one who belongs to this group will undergo ovulation process within 11 to 21 days starting from the first day of period. But to access this information correctly, you should track your menstrual cycle timings and check on the regular cycle.

After you have successfully estimated your period cycle, the next thing to consider is to estimate when ovulation will occur. At this point your ovaries release an egg that travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus, there it will lie and wait to get fertilized. If a male sperm reaches it, it will fertilize but if not it will come out in your next period. Sometimes you may not release the egg on the other cycle and later on more than an egg will be released, and if by chance you conceive and both the eggs conceive, twins are born.

By knowing and tracking your menstrual cycle ovulation process occurrence can be known. Other ways include monitoring your cervical mucus. It is in thicker form before ovulation and thins when ovulation occurs.

Monitoring basal temperature can also indicate ovulation as your temperature normally rises during the ovulation process. However it should be known that stress and any other illness may disrupt the period and ovulation cycle.

While the sperm of a man stays active for almost five days in the fallopian tubes, the ovary released egg is available for fertilization for only 12 to 24 hours. If you can determine this ovulation period you can get busy and couples that are trying real hard to conceive can probably succeed at this point. If the egg does not get fertilized in the given period it will be absorbed by the uterus and will be wasted in the next menstrual cycle.

Besides considering these methods you can always visit a doctor and he or she can help you in ways to conceive successively or point you to the right direction to get assistance. Lastly, we wish you good luck and all the best and also check out the pregnancy symptoms for preparation.

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