Sleeping Solutions for your baby

Putting your baby off to sleep is a difficult task for most parents. So here are some quick solutions to help you put your toddler off to sleep.

The first one is to avoid eye contact with your kiddo. Making an eye contact for over a long period of time or for a few seconds, this excites the child and then its is very difficult for the baby to go off to sleep. Thus, the first step involves no eye contact.

The second step involves, giving a warm water bath to your kid. The gentle loving strokes can put your child to sleep. Gone are the days when you wriggle toys in front of them to put them to sleep.

Co- sleeping with your baby is the next thing which you can go in for. It is said that children who sleep with their parents are expected to build higher self esteem and less of anxiety. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics say that it is not advisable to share the same bed with your child, thus use another bed for the kid.

The next thing is to clear the bed of your baby. Avoid putting stuffed toys, excess pillows, blankets and bumpers in your child’s room. Decorate the room with lots of pink. The excess of pillows and blankets can suffocate or choke your kid while sleeping.

Jammies are the next thing which can help you put your baby off to sleep. Cute jammies are the best options for your baby. Try to stick to cotton jammies, instead of synthetic ones.

These are some of the few steps by which you can put your baby off to sleep. So, next time your baby is crying and does not want to go to bed on time, you can try out some of these tips.

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