Tips for Taking a Pregnancy Test


When taking a home pregnancy test we know your emotions are running wild, so we thought we would give you a few helpful tips to make sure you don’t let your emotions reduce the accuracy of your pregnancy test. Some of these tips will also help to make the whole process a little easier for you.

Take your pregnancy test first thing in the morning. To remind yourself to do it in the morning, close the lid of your toilet and place the pregnancy test on top of it.

Read the instructions thoroughly. Rushing is a waste of time, make sure you have read each step carefully before you even think of starting the pregnancy test.

Use a clock or watch to time the pregnancy test, do NOT try to estimate time. An incorrect time estimation increases your chances of getting a false positive or false negative result. Trust us, your emotions will definitely throw your time estimation skills off track.

Pee into a cup if you’re afraid your aim isn’t good enough to fulfill the requirements of your pregnancy test instructions. Dip the stick into the cup after you have peed in it for the required amount of time and your results should be accurate.

Do not drink excessive fluids just to make yourself pee. We love Juno, but it was just a movie so trust us when we say excessive fluids only dilute your urine making it harder for a pregnancy test to record the presence of hCG in your urine.

Use the contact details provided on the pregnancy test box if you are ever in doubt. There is usually a toll free number available and some will be there to help you.

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