Loosing Weight After Birth

Getting pregnant and having a baby does not only changes your life but it also alters your body. Many women start worrying on their weight issues as soon as they find out that they are pregnant. Many mothers are concerned that after giving birth, how long and ways to bring their body back to as it was and also shrinking the belly and losing all that baby weight.

Many women look up to celebrity women and wonder as to how they manage to be so fit like before, but the reality is they are totally different from this. The fact is that your body has gone through a tremendous job nursing a child and delivering and it is not just going to shrink back instantly what is gained in months. Your belly for instance is not going to get back to its real shape instantly or contract back to its original size in a very short period of time. The moments you have deliver your baby, your body wills starts to work on shrinking the belly but it is a very slow and gradual process. Sometimes it can take a year to fully recover from the pregnancy change in the body. The uterus of the woman takes almost four weeks to contract back to normal size and some women may experience a loss of 8 to 20 pounds in the initial two weeks due to loss of extra fluids in the body.

Also your hips and your pelvic area will require time to tone back to its almost original shape. So do not panic if you find yourself in a whacky state and stay calm and give yourself and your body a break.

Opting for an exercise routine may be helpful to an extent only but it should be a light routine to prevent your body from any kind of injury or pain. Women who consider themselves as perfectly fit may also find themselves a bit shaky on getting back to exercises as the body has undergone a major change and recovering may require a little time. It may take almost 4 to 8 weeks depending on what kind of pregnancy and delivery you have faced to get back to serious exercising but your doctor should be consulted before taking up any exercise.

Another activity that helps you in losing weight is breast feeding. Breast feeding requires almost 500 calories every day and can reduce some of the fats gained during pregnancy. Although if you are breast feeding you should take the required food to provide energy to feed as dieting at this point may reduce milk supply considerably. Also losing too much weight can release toxins in your milk which will harm your baby. You should not shed more than 2 pounds per week during breast feeding.

You cannot diet but you can exercise during breast feeding period. If you supply your body with the required calories you can take up light and moderate exercises and it will not affect your milk supply. Pregnant women that perform pregnancy exercise during their pregnancy state will recover back to their original body shape faster compared to those whom is not.

If you take up serious or severe kinds of exercise after the initial months of delivering you can suffer from:

Exhaustion and Fatigue

After you have delivered you tend to feel fatigued and exhausted very quickly, so do not exert yourself. Keep an eye out for your energy levels and take up only what you can handle.

Erratic Schedule

During the first few months your baby’s feeding habits are bound to change and also your baby will keep you engaged and finding time to follow a routine becomes almost impossible.

Time Constraints

You can only find a very limited time for exercise and that too not at a fixed time. If this is the case take advantage of whatever time you have even if that means spreading the span of exercise time on the whole day.

Mood Swings

After delivering mothers normally suffer from post partum depression. You may also experience mood swings and exercise may help to some extent. However you should consider talking to your doctor at the same time.


Many moms are of the opinion that they should give all there time to their little one and when they spend time on themselves they feel guilty and also selfish. The mothers at this point should know that a strong mother is always a good mother.

It is proven that exercising is good for you physically and mentally, so to help in fitting it in to your routine you should:

Break your workouts and divide and spread them all over the day.

Try to keep it simple and whenever you get the time opt for something easy such as going up and down the stairs or simply taking laps round the house.

Engage with other people as to how they dealt and managed there situations and how they managed to keep themselves fit after having a baby. Who knows you may come across something interesting and useful.

You can easily get stressed as losing weight at that point it comes as a fever but try to focus on what is important. You should know that you will get back to normal even if not the same enjoy the baby and feel special about your body and cherish both even if things do not turn out the way you thought or vision them to be.

So in the future if you decide to have another baby, be aware of the pregnancy symptoms and plan early. The planning will help you in the future.

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